Sunday, 1 December 2013

It's been raining men - but where's the benefit?

When everyone raves about ultra-fast fibre broadband, it's a no-brainer to sign up for it right? 
Now that we've done so, I'm not so sure.
The fibre cable arrived at our gate, along with all the other gates in our street, about two months ago, followed by a flyer from Snap! Did we want to sign up for some incredibly cheap rate, including landlines, that was significantly less per month than our existing supplier? Of course. So, after decades with Telecom, we switched everything - phones and internet provider - to Snap! 
Men came to make diagrams where the cable would go up our long drive. Men came to have another look at where it would go into the house. More men came back a month or so later to burrow up the garden border at the side of the drive, like big hairy rabbits burrowing holes every few meters and magically drilling horizontally in between to stretch the cable. Another bunch of men came to drill through the wall and connect up the phones and the Fritz-box that holds the key to the ultra-fast broadband. But they couldn't find where the copper cable comes in so they couldn't disconnect it. Several phone calls later, another bunch of men came to disconnect it. Meanwhile, my laptop wouldn't get emails and neither would my non-Telecom phone. More phone calls to reconnect. Apparently there was a new code that had to be entered into the laptop and phone, but nobody had bothered to tell us. 
It became something of a trial, really, waiting for endless people at call centres to fix each problem and get everything going again. But three weeks later, we're all connected and looking forward to enjoying the benefits of ultra-fast fibre broadband. I say "looking forward" because neither the cable provider nor the ISP has bothered to explain to us what the benefits actually are and how to access them. Such as movies. My laptop, being an older one, doesn't like playing movies unless they're on DVD - which don't need fibre broadband to be delivered to my lap. 
Next step: upgrading the laptop software to play movies and finding out what else the fibre wizardry can do.
It would be a pain to think that all those men laboured in vain.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love changing the status quo with anything to do with modern Technology? And you just have to laugh when people say to you .... it's snap it will be so much easier. Yeah Right.
